Thursday, November 6, 2014

EXCLUSIVE Athlete Spotlight: Dancer Chloe Lukasiak

From Churchill, Pennsylvania comes a very talented and beautiful thirteen year old dancer by the name of Chloe Lukasiak. Chloe born on May 25th, 2001 started dancing when she was two years old. She starred in the Lifetime series 'Dance Moms' until the end of season four along side her mother Christi Lukasiak. Chloe's father is Marc who named his daugter after the song 'Chloe Dancer'.

We recently had the great opportunity to interview this thirteen year old dancer on dancing, school and more. Here is what Chloe had to say.

When did you start dancing?
I started dancing at age 2.

Was it your dream to be a dancer?
I honestly don't remember a time in my life when I wasn't a dancer.

Tell us about your style of dancing?
I like to perform musical theater and lyrical. Im starting to love contemporary more as I get older, too.

Are there challenges pursuing a dancing career and being a teenager?

Absolutely! I'm getting taller every minute it seems like, so I'm constantly trying to refigure out my center. Also, I get a lot of growing pains in my legs that I need to push through. Plus, school is getting more difficult, so I'm always trying to balance dance and school, plus time for myself.

Do your parents and friends support you?
Absolutely!!! My dad is an amazing support system at home and I think everyone knows how much my mom supports me. To be honest, I may have given up on myself at some point, if I didn't have them encouraging me.

Do you come up with your own dance routines?
When I'm having fun and messing around, yes! But when I'm performing, I still prefer to perform choreography.

If so, tell us what goes into putting a great routine together?
Telling a story through movement, not just putting every trick in the book in a routine.

Where was your first dance performance, were you excited?
Um, I think it was at a local junior high school auditorium. I was a bunny.

How do you prepare yourself for a performance?
I go over the danced in my head, stretch, listen to my music. Then I get into my "zone" when I do my hair and makeup.

If I went to one of your dance performances, what can fans and I expect?
Hmmmm, I'm taller then people think??

Where have you been able to dance?
I've had an opportunity to dance all around the world. Its been amazing! How many 13-year-old kids can say that? I never take any of it for granted.

Who inspires you with your dancing?
I probably am most inspired by all of the people who tell me that I inspire them. I mean, I'm a regular kid from a small town outside of Pittsburgh. To hear people tell me that I inspire them is awesome. And I need want to let them down, so I go out there and dance for them!

If you could dance anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Probably in Paris? Or maybe South America! I haven't been there yet!

Along the same line, who would you love to dance with?
That's a hard one! I'm not really sure! There are talented dancers all over the world. I'm always excited to meet new ones!

What do you hope to accomplish with your dancing?
I want to inspire people to never let anyone get them down or tell them that they can't do something! I've been told that by someone and I want to prove that you can't let anyone get in the way of your dreams!

What three words best describe you and your dancing?
Delicate, thoughtful and determined

Do you have any advice for those wanting to start a dancing career?
Work hard, stretch and practice!

Do you have any other talents?
I'm a pretty good student and writer.

Are you passionate about any charities, if so, why?
Im involved with Children's Miracle Network. I love that it reached out and helps children all over the country. I am also passionate about Anti-Bullying campaigns. I feel that so many people are effected by bullying and you should never give someone that kind of power over you.

Is education important to you?
Absolutely! For me, I love being in school and getting good grades. Who knows where life can take me, I could get injured tomorrow and never be able to dance again. I need a backup plan!

Anything else you want our readers to know about you, your dancing?
I'm really excited about my new YouTube channel! It gives me a way to interact with people all over the world. I also have started a monthly book club on it to encourage kids to read. Check it out:

Chloe will be at these upcoming events over the next month or two. We hope you have an opportunity to see Chloe and her dancing.

November 26th, Chloe will be in New York City at 11am and 2:30pm, tickets here and here.

December 27th at Embassy Suites Boston at Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts at 12pm and 2:30pm, tickets can be found here and here.

For a list of other appearances for Chloe, please go to her Facebook page here.

The following is a sample of her dancing.
Chloe is on the following social platforms where you can stay updated.


We can't wait to see where Chloe's dancing career takes her in what will be a bright future.

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