Friday, May 2, 2014

White House Schedule - May 2, 2014

President Barack Obama eavesdrops as Aidan Lamothe, the 2014 March of Dimes Ambassador, whispers to his mother that he had wished to see both The President and Bo, the Obama family dog, during his visit in the Oval Office, May 1, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
In the morning, the President and the Vice President will welcome Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel to the White House. The President will hold a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Merkel in the Oval Office; the Vice President will also attend In their meeting, the President and Chancellor Merkel will discuss promoting economic growth, supporting the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, cooperating within NATO, supporting democracy in Europe’s east, and meeting shared security and economic challenges around the globe.
Later in the morning, the President will hold a joint press conference with Chancellor Merkel in the Rose Garden.
In the afternoon, the President will hold a working lunch with Chancellor Merkel in the Cabinet Room; the Vice President will also attend.
Later in the afternoon, the President will meet with Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) business and faith leaders to discuss commonsense immigration reform in the Roosevelt Room.
9:55 AM
The President holds a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Merkel; the Vice President also attends
Oval Office
11:40 AM
The President and Chancellor Merkel hold a joint press conference
Rose Garden
12:00 PM
The Vice President delivers remarks at the Motion Picture Association of America’s second annual Creativity Conference
12:45 PM
The President holds a working lunch with Chancellor Merkel and Official U.S. and Official German Delegations; the Vice President also attends
Cabinet Room
3:50 PM
The President meets with AAPI Business and Faith Leaders to discuss Commonsense Immigration Reform
Roosevelt Room

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