Monday, May 12, 2014

Bailee Madison Graces BYou Magazine May-June Cover

BYOU Magazine EXCLUSIVE: Bailee Madison lights up the cover of BYOU Magazine’s early summer B-SILLY issue with her beautiful smile and very wise-for-her-years advice about loving yourself, being silly, and the importance of making a difference. You’ll recognize this exceptionally talented actress for her television roles she’s played on Wizards of Waverly Place,Once Upon a Time, ABC’s Trophy Wives, and ABC Family’s The Fosters premiering in June. She’s worked with Hollywood’s top stars and has many movie credits to her name; including Parental GuidanceJust Go With It, and of course, for her adorable and memorable character May Belle from Bridge to Terabithia, which she filmed when she was only 8 years old. Now 14, Bailee moves from one film set to another, having just completed filming in Montreal for an upcoming Hallmark holiday movie, North Pole.
This busy young lady makes it a priority to have time for family, friends, and doing charity work, especially
as spokesperson for Alex’s Lemonade Stand (see that story HERE). She feels her gift of talent that puts her in the spotlight also gives her a powerful platform to be a positive role model and make a difference in the world. And even though Bailee spends most of her days in a ‘grown-up’ world and is mature beyond her years, she understands the importance of being silly!
In this exclusive interview, BYOU Magazine asked Bailee, Are you silly?” Her response, I am a totally silly person! I am the biggest dork you’ll ever meet! I will randomly break into song when I hear something that triggers it; I use puns all the time, and will totally say something out of the blue. I’ll act goofy and won’t really worry what others think. I like having fun. One of my most favorite things to do is laugh, and if I have an opportunity to laugh, I’m going to laugh my butt off because I love it so much. When you having fun, you’re just happy and you get to smile and laugh. If you take yourself too seriously, it’s not going to do any good for you or anyone. When you’re having more fun, your friends and people around you will have more fun too. It’s like a chain reaction.”
Read her entire story to find out her favorite role, her recent silly moment, and her empowering tips for girls –along with lots & lots of fun B-SILLY stuff (like quizzes, stories, games, jokes, crafts, recipes, & more!)—when you order your subscription to BYOU Magazine TODAY for only $17.97/year – PLUS you get the NEW digital version FREE with your print subscription! Or you can order a digital subscription for only $14.99; download your FREE BYOU Magazine app in the iTunes, Android, or Amazon store to get started!
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